1440 548 of DB at Pommelsbrunn
612 512 of DB at Eschenbach
612 114 of DB at Eschenbach
612 472 of DB at Oed
294 745 of DB at Weiden (Oberpfalz)
628 578 of DB at Neufahrn (Niederbay)
146 247 of DB at Hagelstadt
146 246 of DB at Hagelstadt
101 006 of DB between Bischofshofen and Pfarrwerfen
420 450 of DB at Markt Indersdorf
1440 043 of DB at Happurg
232 703 of DB at Enzendorf
622 052 of DB at Enzendorf
612 477 of DB at Thansüß
152 150 of DB at Alteglofsheim
612 012 of DB at Maxhütte-Haidhof
650 102 of DB at Weiden (Oberpfalz)
412 027 of DB between Wädenswil and Richterswil
642 092 of DB at Winden (Pfalz)
643 001 of DB at Winden (Pfalz)