612 083 of DB at Unterthalhofen
612 083 of DB between Fischen and Altstädten
612 083 of DB between Fischen and Altstädten
628 420 of DB at Unterthalhofen
628 420 of DB between Fischen and Altstädten
612 081 of DB at Oberdorf
103 222 of DB at Uttenhofen
BR 401 572 of DB between Spiez and Thun
BR 401 584 of DB between Interlaken Ost and Interlaken-West
BR 401 086 of DB between Thun and Uttigen
BR 401 572 of DB between Spiez and Thun
232 252 of DB at Kothmaißling
Class 423 of DB at Hebertshausen
628 427 of DB at Weiden
628 649 of DB at Unterbachern
626 982 of DB at Weiden (Oberpfalz)
143 894 of DB at Burgthann
411 073 of DB at Postbauer-Heng
143 598 of DB at Postbauer-Heng
143 894 of DB at Postbauer-Heng