ETR 610 005 of SBB at Domodossola
ETR 610 005 of SBB at Domodossola
RBDe 560 "Domino" of SBB between Sorvilier and Court
ABt of SBB between Court and Sorvilier
RBDe 560 "Domino" of SBB between Reconvilier and Tavannes
ABt of SBB at Tavannes
ABt of SBB between Tavannes and Sonceboz-Sombeval
ABt of SBB between Reconvilier and Tavannes
Re 420 243 of SBB between Schottikon and Elgg
Re 620 023 of SBB between Schottikon and Elgg
Ae 3/5 10217 of SBB between Dürrenroth and Huttwil Sportzentrum
Ae 3/5 10217 of SBB between Häusernmoos and Dürrenroth
Ae 3/5 10217 of SBB between Dürrenroth and Häusernmoos
Ae 3/5 10217 of SBB between Dürrenroth and Häusernmoos
Tm 234 416 of SBB at Thun
Bt of SBB between Thun and Spiez
193 665 of SBB between Spiez and Thun
Re 420 303 of SBB between Winterthur and Kemptthal
Re 420 161 of SBB between Winterthur and Kemptthal
ABt of SBB between La Heutte and Sonceboz-Sombeval