M41 2325 of MAV between Nyírábrány and Szentannapuszta
M41 2325 of MAV between Nyírábrány and Szentannapuszta
M41 2325 of MAV at Valea lui Mihai
M41 2325 of MAV at Valea lui Mihai
M41 2325 of MAV at Valea lui Mihai
M41 2325 of MAV at Valea lui Mihai
M41 2325 of MAV at Valea lui Mihai
Bzmot 190 of MAV at Horgoš
Bzmot 190 of MAV between Horgoš and Supljak
Bzmot 190 of MAV at Palić
Bzmot 190 of MAV at Palić
M41 2164 of MAV between Beli Manastir and Magyarbóly
M41 2164 of MAV between Beli Manastir and Magyarbóly
M41 2204 of MAV between Beli Manastir and Magyarbóly
M41 2204 of MAV between Beli Manastir and Magyarbóly
V 63 8 of MAV at Pécs
MDmot 3015 of MAV at Pécs
MDmot 3015 of MAV at Pécs
M41 2142 of MAV at Mórágy-Alsónána
V43 1012 of MAV at Kisszállás