450 012 of RENFE between Vilanova I La Geltrú and Cubelles
465 761 of RENFE between Vilanova I La Geltrú and Cubelles
448 005 of RENFE between Vilanova I La Geltrú and Cubelles
448 009 of RENFE between Torredembarra and Sant Vicenç de Calders
130 031 of RENFE between Torredembarra and Sant Vicenç de Calders
130 017 of RENFE between Torredembarra and Sant Vicenç de Calders
450 031 of RENFE between Sitges and Platja de Castelldefels
Re 420 504 of BLS between Schüpfheim and Escholzmatt
RABe 525 033 of BLS between Busswil and Lyss
Re 6/6 11646 of SBB between Busswil and Lyss
CC 72176 of SNCF between Vesoul and Lure
CC 72176 of SNCF between Vesoul and Culmont-Chalindrey
CC 72160 of SNCF between Vesoul and Culmont-Chalindrey
CC 72148 of SNCF between Vesoul and Culmont-Chalindrey
CC 72160 of SNCF between Vesoul and Culmont-Chalindrey
CC 72151 of SNCF between Vesoul and Culmont-Chalindrey
CC 72130 of SNCF between Vesoul and Lure
RABe 525 027 of BLS between Faulensee and Spiez
Re 425 163 of BLS between Faulensee and Spiez
Be 2/6 502 of ASm between Täuffelen and Hagneck