BDeh 4/4 81 of TPC between Col-de-Bretaye and Bouquetins
Be 4/4 31 of BLM between Grütschalp and Winteregg
Be 4/4 22 of BLM between Grütschalp and Winteregg
Be 4/4 31 of BLM between Grütschalp and Winteregg
Be 4/4 22 of BLM between Grütschalp and Winteregg
Be 4/4 31 of BLM between Grütschalp and Winteregg
Be 4/4 31 of BLM between Winteregg and Mürren BLM
RABe 525 022 of BLS between Walkringen and Biglen
Re 465 001 of BLS between Langnau i. E. and Trubschachen
RABe 525 012 of BLS between Langnau i. E. and Trubschachen
RABe 525 019 of BLS between Biglen and Grosshöchstetten
RABe 525 019 of BLS between Grosshöchstetten and Biglen
Ae 4/7 10997 of TR between Lyssach and Burgdorf
Re 4/4 II 11260 of SBB between Cornaux and St-Blaise CFF
Re 4/4 II 11260 of SBB between Ligerz and La Neuveville
Re 465 005 of BLS between Entlebuch and Wolhusen
Bt 993 of BLS between Escholzmatt and Trubschachen
Bt 996 of BLS between Schüpfheim and Escholzmatt
Re 420 504 of BLS between Escholzmatt and Schüpfheim
448 006 of RENFE between Torredembarra and Sant Vicenç de Calders