Ge 4/4 III 21 of MBC between Reverolle and Chardonney-Château
Be 4/4 34 of MBC between Reverolle and Chardonney-Château
Ge 4/4 III 22 of MBC between Vufflens-le-Château and Chigny
Bt 54 of MBC between Vufflens-le-Château and Chigny
Ge 4/4 III 22 of MBC between Vufflens-le-Château and Chigny
Ge 4/4 III 22 of MBC between Apples and Ballens-Froideville
Ge 4/4 III 21 of MBC between Vufflens-le-Château and Chigny
Ge 4/4 III 22 of MBC between Apples and Reverolle
RABe 526 262 of SBB between Court and Sorvilier
RABe 526 264 of SBB between Courtelary and Cortébert
RABe 526 280 of SBB between St-Imier and Sonvilier
RABe 522 208 of SBB between Delémont and Moutier
RABDe 500 003 of SBB between Delémont and Moutier
RABe 522 207 of SBB between Courtemaîche and Courchavon
RABe 522 207 of SBB between Boncourt and Buix
RABe 522 204 of SBB between Boncourt and Buix
RABe 522 205 of SBB between Porrentruy and Courchavon
ABt 921 of CJ between Porrentruy and Alle
ABt 921 of CJ between Porrentruy and Alle
RABe 535 115 of BLS between Spiez and Thun