Re 4/4 II of SBB between Sempach-Neuenkirch and Nottwil
Re 460 080 of SBB between Sempach-Neuenkirch and Nottwil
RABe 521 "FLIRT" of SBB between Sempach-Neuenkirch and Nottwil
HGe 4/4 II of MGB between Zermatt and Täsch
Deh 4/4 of MGB between Zermatt and Täsch
Deh 4/4 of MGB between Zermatt and Täsch
HGe 4/4 II of MGB between Zermatt and Täsch
BDSeh 4/8 "Zermatt-Shuttle" of MGB between Zermatt and Täsch
BDSeh 4/8 "Zermatt-Shuttle" of MGB between Zermatt and Täsch
HGe 4/4 II of MGB between Zermatt and Täsch
BDSeh 4/8 "Zermatt-Shuttle" of MGB between Zermatt and Täsch
HGe 4/4 II of MGB between Zermatt and Täsch
ABDeh 4/10 "KOMET" of MGB between Zermatt and Täsch
BDSeh 4/8 "Zermatt-Shuttle" of MGB between Zermatt and Täsch
HGe 4/4 II of MGB between Täsch and Randa
HGe 4/4 II of MGB between Täsch and Randa
HGe 4/4 II of MGB between Täsch and Randa
Be 5/6 "Cobra-Tram" of VBZ at Balsberg
RABDe 510 "Mirage" of SBB at Herrliberg-Feldmeilen
RABDe 510 "Mirage" of SBB at Unbekannter Ort