RBDe 566 II of BLS between Konolfingen and Grosshöchstetten
Be 4/4 "Wellensittich" 761 of BLS between Konolfingen and Grosshöchstetten
Be 4/4 "Wellensittich" 761 of BLS between Konolfingen and Grosshöchstetten
RBDe 566 I of BLS between Konolfingen and Grosshöchstetten
RBDe 566 I of BLS between Konolfingen and Grosshöchstetten
RBDe 566 I of BLS between Konolfingen and Grosshöchstetten
RBDe 566 II of BLS between Konolfingen and Grosshöchstetten
ABt of BLS between Konolfingen and Grosshöchstetten
RBDe 565 of BLS between Zäziwil and Bowil
Re 465 of BLS between Zäziwil and Bowil
Re 465 of BLS between Zäziwil and Bowil
RBDe 565 of BLS between Konolfingen and Zäziwil
Bt of BLS between Konolfingen and Zäziwil
RABe 511 "KISS" of SBB at Zürich HB
RABe 511 "KISS" of SBB at Lausanne
Re 460 of SBB between Rivaz and Saint-Saphorin
Ae 6/8 of BLS between Chexbres and Corseaux-Cornalles
RBDe 560 "Domino" of SBB between Chexbres and Corseaux-Cornalles
Bpm 51 of SBB between Aigle and Bex
Re 4/4 II 11122 of SBB between Aigle and Bex