EMD F59PHI 1327 of AMT at Lucien-L'Allier (Montréal)
Re 465 007 of BLS between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
RABe 524 005 of SBB between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
Re 465 001 of BLS between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
RABe 527 332 of TransN between La Chaux-de-Fonds and Les Hauts-Geneveys
Bombardier BiLevel VI Cab car 3023 of AMT at Lucien-L'Allier (Montréal)
Be 4/4 3002 of TRAVYS between Trois-Villes and Six-Fontaines
Be 4/4 3002 of TRAVYS between Trois-Villes and Six-Fontaines