1116 206 of ÖBB between Flums and Mels
RABe 511 022 of SBB between Flums and Mels
BR 401 074 of DB between Flums and Mels
Re 460 056 of SBB between Flums and Mels
RABe 526 055 of SOB between Flums and Mels
RABe 511 027 of SBB between Sargans and Trübbach
BR 401 074 of DB between Unterterzen and Mols
RABe 526 046 of SOB between Unterterzen and Mols
Bt of SBB between Unterterzen and Mols
RABe 511 017 of SBB between Unterterzen and Mols
Tm 234 084 of SBB between Unterterzen and Mols
Bt of SBB between Wädenswil and Richterswil
Re 4/4 II 11301 of SBB between Wädenswil and Richterswil
Re 450 066 of SBB between Wädenswil and Richterswil
BR 401 090 of DB between Wädenswil and Richterswil