Class 102 "Pato" of RENFE (Renfe Viajeros) between Chinchilla and Alpera, Spain
Class 102 "Pato" of RENFE (Renfe Viajeros) between Chinchilla and Alpera, Spain


Alvia 4072 Santander - Alicante. Heute wohl eher nicht aus Santander (da brauchts irgendwas Breitspur-taugliches)

Picture details

Class: RENFE 102 "Pato"
Series: Talgo 350 / Bombardier HSP350
Operator: Renfe Viajeros
Date: 2025-02-27 13:57
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Focal length: 38.0 mm
Aperture: f/7.1
Exposure time: 1/2500 s
Sensitivity: ISO 400
Views: 58
Download: 1600x988 2400x1481 6278x3875

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