NIR 4012 of NIR (Northern Ireland Railways) at Ballycarry, Great Britain
NIR 4012 of NIR (Northern Ireland Railways) at Ballycarry, Great Britain


4012 fährt bei strömendem Regen aus Larne kommend in der Haltestelle Ballycarry ein

Picture details

Class: NIR Class 4000
Series: CAF CxK
Operator: Northern Ireland Railways
Date: 2024-05-28 10:40
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Focal length: 40.0 mm
Aperture: f/7.1
Exposure time: 1/800 s
Sensitivity: ISO 500
Views: 129
Download: 1600x1053 2400x1579 6366x4188

Photo Map