RABe 525 018 of BLS (BLS AG) between Uetendorf and Seftigen, Switzerland
RABe 525 018 of BLS (BLS AG) between Uetendorf and Seftigen, Switzerland


RABe 525 018 hat gerade den Kulminationspunkt zwischen Gürbe- und Aaretal passiert und fährt nun hinunter nach Uetendorf.

Picture details

Class: RABe 525 "NINA"
Series: Bombardier NINA
Operator: BLS AG
Date: 2008-10-19 11:37
Camera: Canon EOS 40D
Focal length: 30.0 mm
Aperture: f/5.0
Exposure time: 1/800 s
Sensitivity: ISO 200
Views: 572
Download: 1600x1067 2400x1600 3888x2592

Photo Map