203 559 of Locon (Locon Logistik & Consulting AG) at Rothenstadt, Germany
203 559 of Locon (Locon Logistik & Consulting AG) at Rothenstadt, Germany


Mit einem Bauzug am Haken passiert 203 559-0 von Locon die letzten Häuser von Rothenstadt.

Picture details

Class: BR 203
Series: LEW Hennigsdorf V100
Operator: Locon Logistik & Consulting AG
Date: 2014-11-03 13:17
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Focal length: 40.0 mm
Aperture: f/8.0
Exposure time: 1/800 s
Sensitivity: ISO 200
Views: 548
Download: 1600x1067 2400x1600 5760x3840