ABt of SBB between Tavannes and Sonceboz-Sombeval

RBDe 560 "Domino" of SBB between Cortébert and Courtelary

RBDe 560 "Domino" of SBB between Cortébert and Courtelary

RBDe 560 "Domino" of SBB between Courtelary and Cortébert

RBDe 560 "Domino" of SBB between Cortébert and Courtelary

RBDe 560 "Domino" of SBB between Sonceboz-Sombeval and Corgémont

RBDe 560 "Domino" of SBB between Corgémont and Sonceboz-Sombeval

RABDe 500 023 of SBB between Ligerz and Twann

ABt of SBB between Twann and Ligerz

ABt of SBB between Ligerz and Twann

ABt of SBB between Ligerz and Twann

RABDe 500 023 of SBB between Ligerz and Twann

ABt of SBB between Ligerz and Twann

66 574 of FL at Kensington (Olympia)

66 505 of FL between Tackley and Oxford

EMD GP38-2 715 of IAIS at Blue Island

EMD SD70ACe 8516 of BNSF between Colorado Springs and Pueblo

La Veta

D&RGW T-12 167 of C&TS at Antonito

K-36 No. 489 of C&TS between Cumbres and Osier