Re 6/6 of SBB between Frutigen and Blausee-Mitholz
Re 4/4 181 of BLS at Blausee-Mitholz
Re 4/4 166 of BLS at Blausee-Mitholz
Re 4/4 187 of BLS at Blausee-Mitholz
Ae 8/8 273 of BLS at Ausserberg
Ae 8/8 273 of BLS at Goppenstein
750 277 of ČD at Liberec
743 007 of ČD at Liberec
442 627 of DB at Berlin (Jannowitzbrücke)
182 021 of DB at Berlin (Jannowitzbrücke)
182 018 of DB at Berlin (Jannowitzbrücke)
E 401 of FS between Montecalvo-Buonalbergo-Casalbore and Ariano
ETR 600 of FS between Montecalvo-Buonalbergo-Casalbore and Ariano
ETR 675 006 of NTV between Montecalvo-Buonalbergo-Casalbore and Ariano
ETR 460 of FS between Acquappesa and Guardia Piemontese Terme
ETR 675 of NTV between Praja Ajeta Tortora and Scalea
Semipilota UIC-Z1 of FS between Praja Ajeta Tortora and Scalea
G 4/5 107 of RhB at Davos
ETR 600 of FS between Montecalvo-Buonalbergo-Casalbore and Ariano
ETR 675 006 of NTV between Montecalvo-Buonalbergo-Casalbore and Ariano