ALe 501 of FS between Caltanissetta Centrale and Caltanissetta Xirbi
ALe 501 of FS between Caltanissetta Xirbi and Caltanissetta Centrale
640 016 of DB at Escheldorf
650 152 of DLB at Escheldorf
650 246 of EIB at Escheldorf
622 963 of SWEG at Weiden (Oberpfalz)
233 219 of DB at Marktredwitz
186 907 of SBB between Uttigen and Thun
232 426 of NRE at Marktredwitz
622 047 of DB at Velden(b Hersbruck)
232 173 of TRG at Marktredwitz
233 219 of DB at Marktredwitz
612 481 of DB at Thansüß
622 047 of DB at Hersbruck
612 132 of DB at Hersbruck
233 112 of DB at Hersbruck
159 220 of RDX at Velden(b Hersbruck)
650 300 of PRESS at Neustadt/WN
ALe 501 of FS between Villarosa and Enna
E 464 376 of FS between Pollina and Tusa