Re 430 350 of OeBB between Rapperswil and Hurden
Ge 4/6 353 of RhB between Bergün and Preda
ABe 8/12 "Allegra" 3512 of RhB between Bergün and Preda
Ge 4/4 III 641 of RhB between Bergün and Preda
Ge 4/6 353 of RhB between Tiefencastel and Solis
Ge 4/6 353 of RhB between Thusis and Cazis
Ge 4/6 353 of RhB between Reichenau-Tamins and Bonaduz
ABt 984 of TRAVYS at Charbonnières
RABe 523 018 of SBB at Charbonnières
ABt 985 of TRAVYS between Le Lieu and Les Esserts de Rive
RABe 523 062 of SBB between Les Esserts de Rive and Le Rocheray
ABt 984 of TRAVYS between Les Esserts de Rive and Le Rocheray
227 007 of BRS at Marktleuthen
ABt 984 of TRAVYS between Le Lieu and Les Esserts de Rive
ABt 984 of TRAVYS between Le Lieu and Les Esserts de Rive
ABt 375 of TRAVYS at Le Pont
RBDe 567 174 of TRAVYS at Le Pont
ABt 375 of TRAVYS between Le Brassus and Chez le Maître Ecoles
ABt 984 of TRAVYS at Charbonnières
ABt 985 of TRAVYS at Le Sentier-L'Orient