Bt 2251 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
ABDt 1716 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
HGe 4/4 II 104 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
ABDeh 4/10 "KOMET" 2013 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
HGe 4/4 II 5 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
Deh 4/4 I 53 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
Deh 4/4 I 53 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
Deh 4/4 II 94 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
Deh 4/4 II 94 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
Deh 4/4 II 91 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
Deh 4/4 I 55 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
Deh 4/4 I 55 of MGB between Hospental and Realp
646 404 of HLB at Lieblos
4306 of THI at Eupen
406 553 of NS at Eupen
663 of SNCB/NMBS at Astenet
643 016 of DB at Bingen
463 801 of TDR at Bingen
114 033 of DB at Wirtheim
101 012 of DB at Bad Bentheim