MT 30000 of TCDD between Çöğürler and Alayunt
481 103 of DB at Berlin Baumschulenweg
485 050 of DB at Berlin Baumschulenweg
485 074 of DB at Berlin Baumschulenweg
483 001 of DB at Berlin Baumschulenweg
483 002 of DB at Berlin Baumschulenweg
060-DP 131 of SNCFT at Sousse Voyageurs
040-DO 334 of SNCFT at Sahline Sebkha
YZ-E 001 of SNCFT at Sahline Sebkha
YZ-E 002 of SNCFT at Les Hotels Monastir
YZ-E 005 of SNCFT at Sousse Bab Jdid
060-DI 61 of SNCFT at Sahline Sebkha
YZ-E 002 of SNCFT at Les Hotels Monastir
040-DM 254 of SNCFT at Sousse Voyageurs
E 68 021 of TCDD between Gökçedağ and Alöve
DE 36000 of TCDD between Güneyköy and Piribeyler
E 68 037 of TCDD between Sindirler and Dursunbey
E 68 037 of TCDD between Nallıkaya and Piribeyler
E 68 037 of TCDD between Nallıkaya and Piribeyler
E 68 037 of TCDD between Gökçedağ and Nallıkaya