RABe 514 056 of SBB at Wädenswil
403 052 of DB at Stadel
412 023 of DB at Stadel
412 017 of DB at Stadel
403 530 of DB at Stadel
193 802 of DB at Rödental
Re 450 001 of SBB between Schlieren and Altstetten
Re 460 083 of SBB between Schlieren and Altstetten
RABe 511 124 of SBB between Schlieren and Altstetten
Re 420 193 of SBB at Sargans
193 802 of DB at Unterneuses
248 995 of STLB at Weiden (Oberpfalz)
223 071 of DLB at Irrenlohe
612 651 of DB at Irrenlohe
1648 712 of DLB at Irrenlohe
223 072 of DLB at Kothmaißling
143 821 of DB at Tharandt
143 821 of DB at Tharandt
DR1B 3716 of EDLR AS at Tartu
DR1B 2714 of EDLR AS at Jögeva