Class M240 of ČSD between Louka u Mariánských Lázní and Bečov nad Teplou
294 745 of DB at Weiden (Oberpfalz)
612 472 of DB at Oed
1440 548 of DB at Pommelsbrunn
159 247 of IGE at Hersbruck
BB 13027 of SNCF at Luxembourg
141 412 of DB at Minden
Rh 1141 004 of ÖBB at Stainach-Irdning
269 259 of RENFE at Portbou
DS Rhône of CGN at St-Saphorin
Re 460 of SBB between Saint-Saphorin and Rivaz
Re 460 007 of SBB at Vevey
RABe 523 "FLIRT" of SBB between Villette and Lutry
Bt of SBB between Villette and Lutry
RABe 511 "KISS" of SBB between Villette and Lutry
ETR 610 012 of FS between Lutry and Villette
RABe 511 105 of SBB between Villette and Lutry
Re 460 084 of SBB between Villette and Lutry
RABe 503 "Astoro" of SBB between Villette and Lutry
461 041 of ŽCG at Bijelo Polje