Re 465 014 of BLS between Frutigen and Blausee-Mitholz
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Frutigen and Blausee-Mitholz
Re 6/6 11674 of SBB between Frutigen and Blausee-Mitholz
Re 460 000 of SBB between Frutigen and Blausee-Mitholz
Re 460 of SBB between Reichenburg and Bilten
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Reichenburg and Bilten
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Reichenburg and Bilten
BB 37000 of SNCF between Reichenburg and Bilten
Re 6/6 11640 of SBB between Reichenburg and Bilten
CC 72168 of SNCF at Cèvremont
CC 72139 of SNCF at Errevet (Elsass)
CC 72163 of SNCF at Evette-Salbert (Elsass)
103 184 of DB between Reichenburg and Bilten
Re 465 006 of BLS at Blausee-Mitholz
Am 843 502 of BLS at Frutigen
Am 843 502 of BLS at Frutigen
Am 843 502 of BLS at Frutigen
Re 460 001 of SBB at Frutigen
Re 460 001 of SBB at Frutigen
BDe 4/4 1643 of SBB between Winterthur and Hettlingen