210 007 of ZSSK at Zvolen
742 227 of ZSSK at Zvolen
754 072 of ZSSK at Unbekannter Ort
750 110 of ZSSK at Podkrivan
750 203 of ZSSK between Zvolen and Zvolenska Slatina
736 010 of ZSSK between Zvolen and Zvolenska Slatina
812 058 of ZSSK between Zvolen and Zvolenska Slatina
754 011 of ZSSK at Zvolen
751 124 of ZSSK at Turkianske Teplice
350 007 of ZSSK between Strba and Vazec
183 036 of ZSSK between Strba and Vazec
ZSSK between Strba and Vazec
350 012 of ZSSK between Strba and Vazec
163 105 of ZSSK between Strba and Vazec
163 107 of ZSSK between Strba and Vazec
363 147 of ZSSK between Strba and Vazec
Class 163 of ZSSK at Spisska Nova Ves
163 103 of ZSSK at Spisska Nova Ves
Class 131 of ZSSK at Spisska Nova Ves
Class 131 of ZSSK at Spisska Nova Ves