79 0134 of CFR at Sannicolau Mare
666 002 of ŽS at Unbekannter Ort
2062 117 of HŽ at Kastel Stari
1061 012 of HŽ at Moravice
Class 363 of SŽ at Crnotice
Re 4/4 II 11108 of SBB between Mühlehorn and Murg
Re 4/4 II 11109 of SBB between Mühlehorn and Murg
Bt of SBB between Mühlehorn and Murg
Re 460 016 of SBB between Mühlehorn and Murg
Re 460 047 of SBB between Mühlehorn and Murg
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Mühlehorn and Murg
BB 37000 of SNCF between Frick and Zeihen
Bt of SBB between Frick and Zeihen
Bt of SBB between Frick and Zeihen
223 064 of ARRIVA at Schwandorf
218 153 of DB at Schwandorf
294 750 of DB at Schwandorf
294 661 of DB at Klardorf
223 065 of ARRIVA at Klardorf
612 061 of DB at Klardorf