Re 450 "DPZ" of SBB between Eglisau and Hüntwangen-Wil
ABt of MGB between Realp and Hospental
Deh 4/4 II of MGB between Realp and Hospental
HGe 4/4 II of MGB between Realp and Hospental
Bt of MGB at Nätschen
812-017 of ŽS at Szeged
812-017 of ŽS at Szeged
812-017 of ŽS at Röszke
V 63 8 of MAV at Pécs
MDmot 3015 of MAV at Pécs
MDmot 3015 of MAV at Pécs
M41 2142 of MAV at Mórágy-Alsónána
Ec 2/5 of SBB between Dottikon-Dintikon and Hendschiken
Ec 2/5 of SBB between Mühlau and Sins
Ec 2/5 of SBB at Arth-Goldau
Ec 2/5 of SBB at Arth-Goldau
Bzmot 172 of MAV at Szentdénes
Bzmot 172 of MAV at Villány
MDmot 3015 of MAV at Villány
MDmot 3015 of MAV at Palkonya