Re 446 of SOB between Samstagern and Riedmatt SZ
Re 4/4 II of SBB between Samstagern and Riedmatt SZ
Di 3 007 of HK between Prishtinë and Fushë Kosovë
Di 3 007 of HK between Bablak and Fushlot vç.
Di 3 007 of HK between Bablak and Fushlot vç.
661 003 of HK between Bardh and Mine Golesh
661 003 of HK between Bardh and Mine Golesh
661 003 of HK between Bardh and Mjekaj
661 003 of HK at Drenas
Di 3 005 of HK between Drenas and Dritan
G1700-2 BB 9 of HK at Obiliq