SŽ at Sentilj
363-010 of SŽ at Spielfeld-Straß
BDeh 4/4 of AB at Riethüsli
ABt of AB between Teufen and Stofel
BDeh 4/4 of AB between Appenzell and Hirschberg Station
BDeh 4/4 of AB at Stofel
BDeh 4/4 of AB between Teufen and Stofel
ABt 121 of AB between Teufen and Stofel
Re 446 of SOB between Bütschwil and Lütisburg
RABe 526 "FLIRT" of SOB between Bütschwil and Lütisburg
Class 612 of DB between Sierre and Salgesch
Class 612 of DB between Saxon and Charrat-Fully
Class 223 of ARRIVA at Loucim
223 072 of ARRIVA at Uborsko
223 072 of ARRIVA at Uborsko
814 040 of ČD at Uborsko
223 072 of ARRIVA at Pocinovice
814 125 of ČD at Pocinovice
223 063 of ARRIVA at Janovice nad Uhlavou