0-4-2 No. 5 of SMR at Llanberis
RABe 526 "GTW 2/8" of SBB between Uzwil and Flawil
RABDe 500 "ICN" of SBB between Uzwil and Flawil
RABe 502 "Twindexx" of SBB between Uzwil and Flawil
RABe 526 801 of THURBO between Uzwil and Flawil
RABe 502 "Twindexx" of SBB between Uzwil and Flawil
RABe 503 "Astoro" of SBB between Uzwil and Flawil
Re 484 019 of SBB between Uzwil and Flawil
Class 756 of TfW between Uzwil and Flawil
RABe 511 022 of SBB between Winterthur and Kemptthal
RABDe 502 020 of SBB between Winterthur and Kemptthal
Re 460 059 of SBB between Winterthur and Kemptthal
C40-8 7602 of CSXT at Fairhope
B 83571 of SNCF at Hochfelden
BB 22282 of SNCF at Hochfelden
BB 22235 of SNCF at Hochfelden
B 83503 of SNCF at Hochfelden
407 016 of DB at Dettwiller
CC 72139 of SNCF at Mulhouse