RABe 502 "Twindexx" of SBB between Eschlikon and Sirnach
1116 204 of ÖBB between Winterthur and Kemptthal
1116 217 of ÖBB between Winterthur and Kemptthal
Re 460 050 of SBB between Winterthur and Winterthur Grüze
EMD SD40-2 8130 of CSXT at Thorsby
1607 of NS between Almelo de Riet and Borne
1144 216 of ÖBB between Patsch and Matrei
BDe 4/4 36 of VBW at Bern (Kirchenfeld)
2TE25KM-0462 of UBTZ between Sainshand and Tyshljeg
2TE25KM-0460 of UBTZ between Tyshljeg and Sainshand
2TE116UM-016 of UBTZ between Örgön and Doloodyn Höndij
2TE116UM-016 of UBTZ between Sainshand and Tyshljeg
2TE116UM-016 of UBTZ between Ag'symbjer and Sainshand
2TE25KM-0462 of UBTZ between Sainshand and Tyshljeg
2TE25KM-0462 of UBTZ between Sainshand and Tyshljeg
2TE25KM-0460 of UBTZ between Tyshljeg and Sainshand
2TE116UM-016 of UBTZ between Örgön and Doloodyn Höndij
2TE116UM-016 of UBTZ between Sainshand and Tyshljeg
2Zagal-004 of UBTZ at Tyshljeg
2TE25KM-0358 of UBTZ between Sainshand and Tyshljeg