GT22CU-3 2403 of FCAB at Salar de Carcote
GT22CU-3 2403 of FCAB at Salar de Ascotan
GT22CU-3 2403 of FCAB at Salar de Ascotan
GT22CU-3 2403 of FCAB at Salar de Ascotan
GT22CU-3 2403 of FCAB at Salar de Ascotan
GT22CU-3 2403 of FCAB between Ascotan and Salar de Ascotan
Salar de Ascotan
5 of SQM at Barriles
GE 289A "Boxcab" of SQM between Barriles and Quillagua
GE 289A "Boxcab" of SQM at Barriles
GE 289A "Boxcab" of SQM between Barriles and Quillagua
5 of SQM at Barriles
5 of SQM between Barriles and Tigre
GE 289A "Boxcab" of SQM between Barriles and Quillagua
GE 289A "Boxcab" of SQM at Quillagua
GE 289A "Boxcab" of SQM between Reverso and Carmelita
GE 289A "Boxcab" of SQM between Barriles and Quillagua
GE 289A "Boxcab" of SQM between Barriles and Quillagua
1001 of FCCA between Casapalca and Chinchan
1001 of FCCA at Chinchan