Re 6/6 11664 of SBB between Lavorgo and Giornico
Re 420 159 of SBB between Lavorgo and Giornico
RABDe 500 025 of SBB between Lavorgo and Giornico
187 004 of BLS between Lavorgo and Giornico
ETR 610 "Cisalpino due" of FS between Lavorgo and Giornico
Re 420 194 of SBB between Lavorgo and Giornico
Am 843 of SBB between Lavorgo and Giornico
RABDe 500 "ICN" of SBB between Lavorgo and Giornico
RABe 523 "FLIRT" of SBB at Vilette
Re 460 of SBB between Rivaz and Epesses
ABeh 2/6 7502 of MVR between Lally and Les Pléiades
ABeh 2/6 7502 of MVR between Lally and Les Pléiades
ABeh 2/6 7503 of MVR at Les Pléiades
ABeh 2/6 7502 of MVR at Blonay
ALn 663 of FAM at Venezia Santa Lucia
Between Tapa and Räitsvere
1545 of EVR at Kadrina